In Episode 145 of Keto Talk, Jimmy and Dr. Will Cole answer your questions about Persistent Itchiness, Bladder Pain While Eating Keto, Primary Hyperparathyroidism, Being Ravenously Hungry When Cutting Protein, Meal Timing To Increase Carbohydrate Intake, and more!


Will taking daily Holy Communion impact insulin levels and my ability to burn fat and ketones? Is it normal to experience intense heartburn after breaking an extended fast? Other than meditate or quit my job, how do I deal with the stress-induced panic attacks and weight gain despite eating keto? I’ve heard keto and dry fasting can help me with my tinnitus. Is there any scientific evidence supporting this? Why would my blood glucose remain elevated even after a 72-hour fast? “You have to decide what is more important to you; the stress of a certain job or your health.” – Jimmy Moore “It doesn't have to be carnivore or vegan. Find what makes you feel the best. We lack a sense of nuance in our current culture.” – Dr. Will Cole


Exercise physiologist slams popular Keto diet and says short term results don't make up for the negative side effects The unlikely partnership that might decide the future of meat Arkansas lawmakers have passed a law against cauliflower rice Cheat days while in ketosis can be dangerous reveals UBCO research Harvard Study on Sugary Drinks and Early Death May Spell the End of Soda STUDY: New Study Suggests the Keto Diet May Not Be Ideal for Women

Jimmy and Will answer your questions:

– Why do I have a persistent itch ever since I started eating keto? What else can I try to try to deal with this?

Hey Jimmy and Will,

I have dealt with an extremely annoying itch all across my back, shoulders, and inside my arms ever since I started eating a ketogenic diet. I’ve tried eating no dairy, but the itching persists. I stopped taking as much of my vitamin C, but that didn’t solve the problem either. I highly suspect this is coming from oxalate dumping in my body as I eat lots of almond butter, almond milk, and raspberries as a keto dieter over the past seven months. I used to be vegan and added back in red meat after years of not eating it to help with my kidney health. Any suggestions about how to deal with this annoying itch?

Thanks for listening,


– Why would I experience cramping, bladder pain, and diarrhea when I eat a ketogenic diet?

Hey Jimmy and Dr. Cole,

I was eating a keto diet and loving along with my husband, but I started developing some cramping pain in my bladder and diarrhea as well as feeling an urgency and a burning sensation when I went to the bathroom. I went to see my doctor who gave me antibiotics and I saw only marginal improvement so we switched medications. This song and dance went on for about a month or so, but I decided to go off of keto to see if that would help. I slowly started feeling better from the bladder pain, but I sure miss the benefits I was getting from it. What could be causing this in my ketogenic eating plan?

Thank you for your wisdom and help.


– What impact is my Primary Hyperparathyroidism having on my elevated blood pressure and weight loss challenges while eating keto?

Hey guys,

I’m a 63-year old woman diagnosed with Primary Hyperparathyroidism one year ago. I have doing strict keto for the past six months with a few slip-ups during the holidays. I have lost 40 pounds and about 20 inches off my body with another 25 pounds of weight loss to go. The pain related to this disease has eased up since I started eating low-carb, high-fat, but blood pressure has still remained elevated requiring me to take medication. How is this disease impacting the blood pressure and my ability to shed the rest of the weight off my body?

A thankful Ketonian,


3. Why did I get ravenously hungry when I reduced my protein intake and raised my dietary fat consumption?

Hey Jimmy and Will,

I hear you guys talk about moderating protein and eating a higher percentage of fat in the diet to be keto. I’ve been eating this way for about a year and have lost a total of 95 pounds and getting stronger each day. I’ve been consuming around 130g protein daily and stalled out in my weight loss efforts at 220 pounds. I dropped my protein down to 90g and raised my fat to 285g attempting to eat this in an 8-hour feeding window (16 hours of intermittent fasting). It went well for a couple of days and helped me break my stall. But then out of nowhere I started having ravenous hunger like I haven’t experienced before being in a state of ketosis. I workout six days a week, so I’m very active. Do I need to raise my protein back up again to help produce satiety with my keto meals? Any help or advice you can give is appreciated.



– Could spacing out your meals allow for more wiggle room for a keto dieter to consume more carbohydrates than 50g in a day and stay ketogenic?

Hi guys,

I have been keto for many years and am curious about the role of timing my consumption of carbs each day. I generally try to stay at 20-30g daily and never go over 50g, but I wonder what would happen if I ate 40g carbs each in three meals spaced out enough during the day to be cleared by the next meal if I could get to 120g of clean carbohydrates and still be in ketosis. Is there any research that has looked at this? I’ve personally seen it happen in me consuming as many as 150g carbs in a daily strategically spaced out and still showing solid ketone readings. I believe this is something that should be explored that perhaps seasoned low-cabers could be ingesting more than the standard no more than 50g carbs daily.

Thanks for talking about this.


In Episode 145 of Keto Talk, Jimmy and Dr. Will Cole answer your questions about Persistent Itchiness, Bladder Pain While Eating Keto, Primary Hyperparathyroidism, Being Ravenously Hungry When Cutting Protein, Meal Timing To Increase Carbohydrate Intake, and more!


Will taking daily Holy Communion impact insulin levels and my ability to burn fat and ketones? Is it normal to experience intense heartburn after breaking an extended fast? Other than meditate or quit my job, how do I deal with the stress-induced panic attacks and weight gain despite eating keto? I’ve heard keto and dry fasting can help me with my tinnitus. Is there any scientific evidence supporting this? Why would my blood glucose remain elevated even after a 72-hour fast? “You have to decide what is more important to you; the stress of a certain job or your health.” – Jimmy Moore “It doesn't have to be carnivore or vegan. Find what makes you feel the best. We lack a sense of nuance in our current culture.” – Dr. Will Cole


Exercise physiologist slams popular Keto diet and says short term results don't make up for the negative side effects The unlikely partnership that might decide the future of meat Arkansas lawmakers have passed a law against cauliflower rice Cheat days while in ketosis can be dangerous reveals UBCO research Harvard Study on Sugary Drinks and Early Death May Spell the End of Soda STUDY: New Study Suggests the Keto Diet May Not Be Ideal for Women

Jimmy and Will answer your questions:

– Why do I have a persistent itch ever since I started eating keto? What else can I try to try to deal with this?

Hey Jimmy and Will,

I have dealt with an extremely annoying itch all across my back, shoulders, and inside my arms ever since I started eating a ketogenic diet. I’ve tried eating no dairy, but the itching persists. I stopped taking as much of my vitamin C, but that didn’t solve the problem either. I highly suspect this is coming from oxalate dumping in my body as I eat lots of almond butter, almond milk, and raspberries as a keto dieter over the past seven months. I used to be vegan and added back in red meat after years of not eating it to help with my kidney health. Any suggestions about how to deal with this annoying itch?

Thanks for listening,


– Why would I experience cramping, bladder pain, and diarrhea when I eat a ketogenic diet?

Hey Jimmy and Dr. Cole,

I was eating a keto diet and loving along with my husband, but I started developing some cramping pain in my bladder and diarrhea as well as feeling an urgency and a burning sensation when I went to the bathroom. I went to see my doctor who gave me antibiotics and I saw only marginal improvement so we switched medications. This song and dance went on for about a month or so, but I decided to go off of keto to see if that would help. I slowly started feeling better from the bladder pain, but I sure miss the benefits I was getting from it. What could be causing this in my ketogenic eating plan?

Thank you for your wisdom and help.


– What impact is my Primary Hyperparathyroidism having on my elevated blood pressure and weight loss challenges while eating keto?

Hey guys,

I’m a 63-year old woman diagnosed with Primary Hyperparathyroidism one year ago. I have doing strict keto for the past six months with a few slip-ups during the holidays. I have lost 40 pounds and about 20 inches off my body with another 25 pounds of weight loss to go. The pain related to this disease has eased up since I started eating low-carb, high-fat, but blood pressure has still remained elevated requiring me to take medication. How is this disease impacting the blood pressure and my ability to shed the rest of the weight off my body?

A thankful Ketonian,


3. Why did I get ravenously hungry when I reduced my protein intake and raised my dietary fat consumption?

Hey Jimmy and Will,

I hear you guys talk about moderating protein and eating a higher percentage of fat in the diet to be keto. I’ve been eating this way for about a year and have lost a total of 95 pounds and getting stronger each day. I’ve been consuming around 130g protein daily and stalled out in my weight loss efforts at 220 pounds. I dropped my protein down to 90g and raised my fat to 285g attempting to eat this in an 8-hour feeding window (16 hours of intermittent fasting). It went well for a couple of days and helped me break my stall. But then out of nowhere I started having ravenous hunger like I haven’t experienced before being in a state of ketosis. I workout six days a week, so I’m very active. Do I need to raise my protein back up again to help produce satiety with my keto meals? Any help or advice you can give is appreciated.



– Could spacing out your meals allow for more wiggle room for a keto dieter to consume more carbohydrates than 50g in a day and stay ketogenic?

Hi guys,

I have been keto for many years and am curious about the role of timing my consumption of carbs each day. I generally try to stay at 20-30g daily and never go over 50g, but I wonder what would happen if I ate 40g carbs each in three meals spaced out enough during the day to be cleared by the next meal if I could get to 120g of clean carbohydrates and still be in ketosis. Is there any research that has looked at this? I’ve personally seen it happen in me consuming as many as 150g carbs in a daily strategically spaced out and still showing solid ketone readings. I believe this is something that should be explored that perhaps seasoned low-cabers could be ingesting more than the standard no more than 50g carbs daily.

Thanks for talking about this.
