Ep 32 - Commonly Asked  Questions About Fruits and Vegetables

You’ve heard the nutrition prescriptions: “Aim for 5-A-Day” and “Eat a Rainbow.” Few would argue, bottoline fruits and vegetables offer many health benefits.
Here’s a look at some commonly asked  questions about fruits and vegetables

#1 “Is fruit bad for me because it contains sugar?” 
There’s plenty of research exposing the detrimental health effects of eating too much added sugar, but less so with natural sugars. Fruits contain natural sugar and many other beneficial nutrients, so they are a healthful addition to a daily diet

#2 “Are canned and frozen fruits and vegetables lower in nutrients?”
It depends on the type of produce, the type of processing

#3 - “Are smoothies and juices just as good as eating whole fruits and vegetables?”
Whole fruits and vegetables are the best choice

Choose the healthier choice!
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