Previous Episode: A Blankie from Gramma

The diversity of life on this planet is astonishing, good, bad, beautiful, painful. Our world is a place of blessing and it’s also a struggle for a lot of people. Each of us has a whole batch of issues to deal with every day, ranging from physical challenges to emotional needs. And a fascinating element in all this is how we see contentment. 


What is it? 

Where is it found? 

Is it lasting?


Matthew 6:32–33 says, “For the pagans run after all these things and your Heavenly Father knows that you need them but seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” 


Our old friend balance is so important. In every aspect of our lives, we should have a goal of keeping steady. Solomon spoke to this in Proverbs 30, when he asked God to give him not too much or too little. He reasoned that if he had great wealth, he might forget God. If he was in poverty, he might be inclined to steal. This effort to find balance is the heart of finding contentment. God is the ultimate source and He gives us the capacity to be content, using scripture as our guide. And as usual, God has a comprehensive plan for you, especially in the area of contentment.


Notice what Proverbs 14:30 says, “A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.” 


The actor Chris Tucker discovered all this after the huge success of “Rush Hour” and other projects. But he became a Christian, and now he’s selective in what he does, and he keeps it clean and real. It’s been estimated that since he turned to faith, Tucker has turned down a hundred million in projects. What’s his take on all that? He says, “But I've got a hundred million great experiences.” 


Whether you’re hard-charging and ambitious, or you’re simply neglecting the pursuit of peace in your life, you’re damaging your spiritual health.


Finding spiritual harmony makes you a complete person. Anything short of that, you’re flying with a broken wing. Bottom line is, if you look at all the verses in the Bible that speak to being truly content, you’ll quickly understand that Christ is the answer. 


Let’s pray, 


Father, You’ve provided the only way to true peace and contentment, and we thank You for that. Help us to keep this in front of us every day as we seek to live life well and abundantly, in Jesus’ name, amen.