Previous Episode: A Mother's Prayer
Next Episode: A Complete Person

Jane was the last child to receive a handmade blanket from her great grandmother. Pink and blue, festooned with angels and sprinkled with stars that sparkled in the light, the much-loved blanket was the little girl’s constant companion.


This childhood treasure became even more important when Gramma Ann passed away—a reminder of her love for her family, and her faith in God.


Jane’s blanket kept her warm in sickness and in health, but the washing machine proved its eventual undoing. One day, the last remaining fragment of Gramma Ann’s very last blanket was lost.


Ephesians 2:8–9 says, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.”


A few years after the remaining bit of Jane’s ‘Gramma Ann Blankie’ was lost to time (but not to memory), her mom stumbled across the best yard sale find of all time: the very same blanket, likely created from a quilting kit, in brand new condition. Jane and her mother cried together right there in a stranger’s driveway, certain that Gramma was smiling down on them from Heaven in that moment of discovery. It was the best two dollars the pair ever spent.


Grace can show up when we least expect it—even in the form of a long-lost family heirloom returned to us in the unlikeliest of ways.


Let’s pray.


Lord, your grace is a constant delight. You are faithful to us when we seek Your face, and Your gift of grace shows up in incredible ways. Thank you. In Jesus’ name, amen.