Mindfulness and Meditation in Everyday Life with Tamela Appel

Tree-huger, gardener, mindfulness expert, educator, and advocate, Tamela Appel, comes with a powerful message to bring presence into our everyday lives, and in the lives of our children. 

She states: “I practice gratitude daily. When I wake up in the morning, the very first thing I do is practice gratitude. I list 5 things that I can be grateful for. When I have things I am able to be grateful for, it brings more things to me that I can be grateful for.”


What type of Character traits did you build growing up on a farm? (04:00)

How Tamela fell in love with bridging mindfulness into the classroom. (08:41) 

“Just by calming my own body allowed them the freedom to calm theirs.” (09:29)

“Take little pauses throughout the day to just support them (children). I would take mindful moments where they can just BE.” (14:35) 

Every hour on the hour we would do a round of gratitude. 

“Children are in ‘fight or flight’ and bring that with them from their parents into the classroom and into the home. Children are picking up the adult energy around them so bringing them into the present moment is so important.”  (20:15)

What happens when you are in ‘fight or flight’ is your memory isn’t in a cognitive state to consolidate memories.

I work with students on how they best can take action, who they really are so that they can accept the person that they are so they can advocate for themselves; not only at home but in school. They can advocate for their needs. We look at, ‘How we can do better now, and part of it is mindfulness, meditation, and being present.’ 

Contact Information for Tamela:



Email: [email protected]

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