“[A buyer persona] is the understanding in detailed terms, of the attitudes, needs, concerns, decision criteria, and buyer’s journey around a specific type of buying decision…it is not a profile of an individual…”

Jim Kraus is the President of Buyer Persona Institute (BPI) and a leading authority on buyer personas and buying insights. In addition to his work at BPI, Jim is an avid blogger, author of the Buyer Persona Buzz newsletter, and is currently working on a second edition of the book Buyer Personas with BPI’s founder, Adele Revella. He also frequently speaks at events and podcasts to advance the thinking around buyer personas and buying insights more broadly.

Questions and topics we covered include:

The simplest definition of what a buyer persona actually is and what buyer personas help businesses achieve
The differences between customer segments & customer segmentation vs buyer personas
The hardest buyer insight to discover
How many buyer personas should a business even have?
Who owns the creation of buyer personas?
Do businesses even need buyer personas?
Why it’s actually harder to buy products today than in the past (sellers aren’t the only ones feeling the pain of a new marketplace)
What to do after the buyer personas are defined, what’s next?

And more!

You can connect with Jim via LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimkraus/

You can connect with me via LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kennysoto/

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