“The empathy that you have to exhibit and learn in sales on a 1-to-1 basis, that only helps you when you’re trying to go 1-to-many…”

Zoë Hartsfield is a Salesperson trapped in a Marketer's body. She spends her 9-5 running executive evangelism programs, managing influencer relationships and creating content. She spends her 5-9 running, traveling and again, creating content. Check her out at @nottoocorporate on TikTok and Instagram, or give her a follow on LinkedIn for her thoughts on sales, marketing, mental health, and career development in the tech industry.

Questions and topics we covered include:

The advice she has for anyone who wants a marketing job and is coming from sales, support, etc.
Her red flags to look out for when applying to a marketing jobs
How to leverage sales experience in a new marketing role
What does it mean to be an evangelist?
“Community” as a role in a marketing team…
Should a community function and a customer advisory board go hand-in-hand?
The most important business skill marketers should be learning today, but they’re probably ignoring…
How can marketers help create sales collateral that actually gets used?
What should marketers look for when selecting/recommending software to add to the MarTech Stack?
Does every marketer need a side hustle?

And more!

You can connect with Zoë through LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/zoehart/

And you can also connect with me through LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kennysoto/

Past guests of The People of Digital Marketing include April Dunford, Amanda Goetz, Melissa Rosenthal, Bill Macaitis, Miruna Dragomir, Andrew Capland, Erik Newton, Andy Crestodina, Sarah Bedrick, Michael Wieder, Dan McGaw, Kathleen Booth, Foti Panagiotakopoulos, Tommy Walker, Lea Pica, Maya Grossman, Sara Pion, Margaret Kelsey, and more.

Music for this podcast comes from www.davidcuttermusic.com