Forrest Dombrow is a sales consultant at Solve Sales, a marketing and sales consultancy firm helping agencies get new leads and more clients. What makes them different is that they’ve walked the walk and have been contracted by brands like Amazon and Costco.

Forrest was also named one of the Online Marketing Institute’s Top 40 Digital Strategists in Marketing and has over 17 years of experience as a sales consultant in this space.

Questions we covered:

How would he describe lean generation to a 10-year-old?
Why inbound strategies and tactics work better than outbound (e.g. cold emails)?
Does someone need to be an extrovert to be successful at sales?
What are some changes that have occurred in the world of lead gen this year?
What are some pitfalls businesses make when trying to coordinate a sales team and marketing team to work together?
Why should B2B marketers attend sales calls?
How does someone scale their agency from their 1st client to their 20th?

You can learn more about Forrest at or [email protected]

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