“We go about speaking to people about the end result, versus trying to educate them on the hemp plant.”

Amanda founded House of Wise after realizing the potential of CBD oil in her life. Despite what you might assume, she wasn't always totally on board with CBD. Until recently, she had never used any cannabis products. Amanda was born in a conservative Midwestern home and is a former group-fitness instructor, marathoner, and overall health nut. Over the past two years, she has navigated a divorce while being a mom of three children and working as a VP of marketing at a major wedding industry brand (The Knot Worldwide). Amanda turned to CBD out of desperation, and it has truly changed her life.

Much of the world still has a stigma around cannabis products (aka CBD and THC). Amanda wants to change this while empowering women to control their sleep, sex, stress, and wealth with House of Wise.

In this episode, we talk about why Amanda is moving to Miami, her biggest failure as a founder, how she markets through the stigmas that are associated with cannabis products, the regulatory constraints behind marketing cannabis and sex products, why she didn’t go with the Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) strategy to sell her product, why founders should be using Twitter to promote their businesses, her work at Teal HQ, what a fractional CMO is, and more.

Connect with Amanda on Instagram, Twitter or on LinkedIn.

If you're interested in the 8-week lesson series for marketing careers, hosted by Teal HQ, click here to learn more about the program.


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