"People can lead you in any direction they want to...”  - - G. Michael,Police Sergeant in South Side of Chicago    The Conversation: Where is the Justice?  In this time of increased media attention about the use of deadly (and sometimes fatal) force, many Black people are asking:    “What is going on?”    Many Black people have turned to expressing their outrage over this question through protests, marches, petitions, social media posts, songs, artwork, dance, and more.    But in the midst of answering this question, are we having the right conversation?    In this powerful episode of the Adverse Effect, Ken talks with a Black sergeant about policing in 2020 and the difficult conversation that our society is grappling with right now.    Insights  Is “Chi-Raq” an accurate view of Chicago?  The power of media to create negative stereotypes  Unequal education = unequal access   Dealing with PTSD  What does it take to be a police officer?  Obstacles in a more diverse police force  Understanding police...from a police’s view  Police brutality and police reform  Is the media unfair to the police?  What is the right way towards reform?    Takeaways of the Conversation  Be careful what you feed your brain The media you watch influences the thoughts   you believe    Quick conclusions lead to shallow answers  Effective solutions require more than  quick conversations    Reform cannot happen without accountability  You can’t fully fix a problem until you   define what went wrong.    The Homework: Switching Up Your Comfort Zone  This podcast went into highly emotionally charged territory. When the media portrays stories of brutality and excessive force, it can be hard for everyone.     For today’s homework, let’s take a step back, away from the news reports and the social media posts….and let’s try something different.    Sergeant Micheal talked about the importance of understanding the viewpoint of people who think differently than you.    Take a moment to think about what you believe and how you typically act. Are you someone who watches FOX or CNN? Are you someone who normally reads non-fiction, try fiction.    Give yourself just 5 minutes and try something different to expand your perspective. If you are someone who regularly watches Fox, try watching CNN or MSNBC for at least 5 minutes. If you’re someone who regularly watches CNN, try watching Fox.    If you don’t want to use the news for this experiment, try some other part of your life. Read a fiction book if you normally non-fiction (or vice versa).     It could even be as simple as drinking Pepsi if you’re a dedicated Coke fan.    While the point of this 5-minute exercise is not to make light of the important issue, it is a small experiment in a very important principle in the conversation: Opening your perspective    As Sergeant Micheal pointed out, our perspective can be really limited (even when we think it’s not!) and that can lead us to close out anyone who thinks differently. This doesn’t help us understand what’s really going on.     Stepping out of your comfort zone, even if it’s just for 5 minutes, is a way to practice growing your perspective so you can understand more of what’s going on. This makes you more informed and more powerful, regardless of what you think.    Need some help? Check out the resources below.    Websites                    Want to share your own story?    Want to talk about your own adversity or know someone who might have an inspiring story to share with our audience? Send out an application to become a guest on The Adverse Effect Podcast using the link below:      Thanks for tuning in!   Thank you for joining us on today’s episode of The Adverse Effect! If you like what you hear, remember to rate us highly on or wherever you get your podcasts.  Get 15% off goodies at our by ! All you have to do is leave a review and email or DM for your promo code.   Don’t forget to check out our , or hang out with us on to stay up-to-date on what’s in store for you!  The Adverse Effect podcast with Ken Cheadle is proudly produced by .