In this 2020 edition of Housing and Transitions, we're joined by 3 special guests who are part of different housing initiatives. Phyllis Spencer, a mother with an entrepreneurial mind who is creating a private group home to help secure her daughter's future. She'll be discussing how she came up with the idea as well as the difficulty around parting ways and transitioning your child into more independence. Dan Hughes from the Enhanced Day Program and supported living initiative Axess Condos, was back again to talk about his progress. Christina Zhang from Plant-a-Home also joined us to talk about her housing initiative.

Learn about:
• Different housing options for special needs and disabilities
• Henson Trust funded housing options
• Transitioning your loved one into supported independent living
• Technology to help make supported independent living easier
• Preserving ODSP and other benefits

For more information, contact us at 1-866-536-7673 or visit our website

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