Grandpa Bill's Grunts & Groans Maine Mentor Moments in Business and in Life-Personal Bucket -List Self Enrichment Program Fully Retired 27 Hours in a 24 Hr Day-

Daily Agenda: Mandarin Sojourn (Jan-June 2024)

#mandarinsojourn #selftaughtmandarin #6monthchallenge

7:00 AM: Wake up and listen to 10 new Mandarin songs on your preferred platform (e.g., Spotify, YouTube Music). Pay attention to the lyrics and pronunciation.7:30 AM: Practice writing 10 new Mandarin characters, focusing on stroke order and character composition. Use resources like Skritter or Pleco to guide you.8:00 AM: Review 10 previously learned Mandarin words and practice using them in sentences. Focus on correct tones and sentence structure. Use resources like Anki or HelloChinese for flashcards and sentence examples.8:30 AM: Read 10 new Confucian sayings and quotes. Translate them into English and reflect on their meaning and relevance to your life.9:00 AM: Dive into your chosen Mandarin poetry for the day. Read the poem several times aloud, paying close attention to pronunciation and rhythm. Analyze the poem's meaning and literary devices.