Just off Main Highway in downtown Coconut Grove awaits a jewel from a quieter time. The Barnacle, the 19th century home of Ralph Middleton Munroe, one of Coconut Grove’s most influential and charming residents, is one of the oldest houses in Miami-Dade County. Munroe purchased 40 acres of bayfront land in 1886 for $400 plus one of his sailboats, Kingfish, valued at an additional $400. His boathouse was built in 1887. The family lived at The Barnacle until 1973 when it became a state park. As a seaman, naturalist and photographer, Commodore Munroe cherished the natural world around him; it is a fitting legacy that we, too, can share at Barnacle Historic State Park.

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The Barnacle Society
3485 Main Highway
Coconut Grove FL 33133