Good morning, Matt. How are you today?


Oh, hi Miss Clarkson. I'm good. When did you get back from vacation?

I wasn't on vacation. I wish though! I was in Chicago visiting one of our branch offices.


I see. How did that go?

It went well. Business is good as usual.


That's good. Chicago is a great city. I love it there! Did you have any down time while you were there?

I did. I was able to visit a few museums. But it rained most of the time I was there.


Oh, that's too bad. Well… this is my floor. It was nice chatting with you Miss Clarkson. Have a good day!

 Expansion | 知识拓展 

The key in creating small talk with your boss is to pay attention to what he or she is saying verbally and by means of their body language. Listen to what they're saying, because that will greatly influence what's going to happen next. 


The conversation could be about the company or what you've been busy working on. Express yourself confidently, be professional and and adding in a little light humor can’t hurt. But don't forget to act natural and just be yourself. 


When you are introduced to someone important, sincere eye contact and a firm handshake are very helpful, and don't forget to smile and relax.


 BackGround Music:Grudge 

 Artists:Polaris Rose