*** Have you ever wondered what a crime scene cleaner looks like? What types of scenes they clean? What it takes to be a crime scene cleaning technician or even how to own your own crime scene cleaning company? Then this episode is for you!***

In this week’s episode of the Keepers of the Peace Video/Podcast, we will be highlighting our first “Four Star Sponsor” of the International Keepers of the Peace First Responder Conference.

Audrey Trinidad, CEO of BioTechs Crime and Trauma Scene Cleaning will be our guest as she answers all of these questions and more. BioTechs CSC is based out of San Antonio but provides their services all over the state of Texas with franchised locations in Houston & DFW. Join us on our live chat to be able to ask any questions you may have or comment on this extremely important service that her company provides for the community.

In the meantime, go check out our video/podcasts on the Trini Trinidad YouTube Channel, and don’t forget to subscribe!! https://www.youtube.com/c/TriniTrinidad

Then Drop your comments below!

OUR WEBSITE IS FINALLY UP & TICKETS ARE ON SALE!! Visit the Keepers of the Peace website or Facebook page for more information on our conference.

www.keepersofthepeace.com https://www.facebook.com/IKOPFRC/



You can view the Keepers of the Peace Video/Podcast live on: Trini's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TriniTrinidad Trini's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trini.trinidad.10

You Can Listen on:

Law Enforcement Today: https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/keepers-of-the-peace-p…/ Apple Podcast




