In the 97th episode of Keep Moving Forward I interview former Canadian Football League player and founder of BATLX, Micah Brown.
“I can help give you everything you need, but I can’t work for you.” Using his relentless work ethic to carry him through every obstacle he ever faced, Micah Brown is uniquely qualified to prepare the next generation of athletes that he coaches for whatever life throws at them...but they have to be willing to work for it. Internalizing this advice his entire life, Micah simply refused to give up until his goals were achieved, determining that no matter what he started, he was going to finish.
His journey through athletics and entrepreneurship is sure to inspire you to persevere through the rest of your week, and I hope you enjoy my interview with Micah Brown.
For more on Micah, you can visit, and follow him on Facebook and Instagram.
We are in week 17 of trying to get The Rock on episode 100, and I need your help. If you want to hear his story on my podcast, please share to social media the letter I wrote to him for episode 95 of KMF. Thank you so much for everything you’ve all done for me so far.
If you guys enjoy Keep Moving Forward and want to tell me so, I would love for you to leave me a review on iTunes. And if you really like my show and would like for me to give you a shout out at the beginning of my next episode, you can donate as little as $1 to my podcast and become a loyal patron at Patreon.
Always remember, you can beat the odds and go the distance, if only you keep moving forward.