In the 96th episode of Keep Moving Forward, I interview professional basketball player, Tiffany Brown.


“I just loved trying new things.” There did not seem to be a sport that Tiffany Brown didn’t excel at. But when the time came and she had to decide what sport she would continue to pursue in college, her heart pulled her towards her true love: basketball. A stellar athlete at Georgia Southern University, Tiffany turned pro out of college and has been competing internationally ever since. Her story is one of grit and determination, and I am so grateful for the chance to have spoken with her. I hope you all enjoy my interview with Tiffany Brown.


For more on Tiffany, you can follow her on Facebook.


We are in week 16 of trying to get The Rock on episode 100, and I need your help. If you want to hear his story on my podcast, please share to social media the letter I wrote to him for episode 95 of KMF. Thank you so much for everything you’ve all done for me so far.


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Always remember, you can beat the odds and go the distance, if only you keep moving forward.