In the 86th episode of Keep Moving Forward I interview founder of DSC Fitness and Performance, and former Trinity University football player and track and field athlete, G.R. Hoff.
“I put my head down and got to work.” Through frustration and adversity, success and failure, G.R. Hoff lived and continues to live by these words. Learning that his passion for sports transcended the realm of simply being an athlete and took true form when he found himself as a coach, G.R. set himself on an incredible journey that lead him to find his own company in DSC Fitness and Performance and today to be a part of 567 Academy.
His journey is sure to inspire you and I hope you enjoy my interview with G.R. Hoff.
To learn more about and connect with G.R., visit, and follow 567 Academy on Facebook. Additionally, you can learn more about DSC Fitness and Performance at and by following on Facebook.
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Always remember, you can beat the odds and go the distance, if only you keep moving forward.