In this episode of Keep Moving Forward I interview former NCAA Division II basketball player and founder of Beast Athletics, Tuck Taylor.
“There’s no reason to complain, you can do what you love everyday.” You have the power to find and do what you love every single day, just like Tuck Taylor did. Tuck, a former NCAA Division II basketball player from the University of West Florida decided that he would use his passion for basketball to begin his own company once he graduated from college. Though unsure the exact destination of this new journey he was on, Tuck determined that the end of his organized athletic career did not signify the end of the value he could add to the world. Instead, with the support of his family and coaches who had pushed him, Tuck found the motivation from within to seize every opportunity presented to him in his pursuit of discovering his new purpose.
Not surprisingly, his new passion lives in the athletic world, where he is able to help others in their own fitness pursuits. Today, Tuck is the President & CEO of Beast Athletics, the #1 performance enhancement and weight loss facility in Tampa Bay, FL. He saw a need to help everyone from the NBA player looking to perfect his game, to the “Average Joe” seeking a healthier lifestyle. Through “Beast Thinking”, Tuck has coined his very own methods of success, and we can look forward to these teachings in his new book to be released later this year.
Tuck lives by the philosophy of “mak[ing] things happen bigger than yourself”, which has sustained him through his journey towards personal growth and assisting others in their own journeys toward progress.
Tuck’s story is sure to inspire you to pursue your passions and “build for that better tomorrow.” I hope that you enjoy my discussion with athlete turned entrepreneur, Tuck Taylor.
For more on Tuck and Beast Athletics, visit, follow on Facebook @BeastAthletics and @TuckTaylor, on Instagram @Beast_Athletics and @TheReakTuckTaylor, and on Twitter @BeastAthletics. Furthermore, be on the lookout for Tuck’s book, “Beast Thinking” coming out later this year.
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Always remember, you can beat the odds and go the distance, if only you keep moving forward.