Chris shares his Experience, Strength and Hope as a real old-timer with old-wisdom from the heart of Alcoholics Anonymous: Akron, Ohio.

Chris grew up in a military family, with a father he feared, a new home every two years and the feeling of complete loneliness. He watched the calm alcohol brought to his dad and wanted to see what it was all about, and so at 9 yrs old Chris’ drinking career began. Soon he was in Juvenile Hall and then spent a few years in the California Youth Authority, leaving there unbelievably angry and determined to never listen to anyone ever again.

Chris came into the rooms with that same anger, throwing coffee cups and ashtrays and regularly getting kicked out of meetings . . . until the day he asked his sponsor why no one liked him, and thus began his true sobriety, years after his last drink.

In this story, Chris goes beautifully into the Big Book and some of the 147 promises written within those pages. The loneliness resolved and the forgiveness of his father long ago given and received. Today, Chris walks free of anger, with both peace and purpose.

“I was probably the most angry human being you ever met in your life, I hated myself, I hated everybody around me.” 

“This book teaches us to walk with purpose.” 

“This program is not for the incredibly lucky or the chosen few, it’s for everybody who wants it.”
