Previous Episode: #8: Ownership

You know the popular saying, "Ignorance is bliss"? So often in our lives it is easier to just pretend everything is okay and allow ourselves to be like a rubber dingy in the ocean, tossed around by the waves of what life brings. But this isn't what we were called to. You and I have been called to be rooted, to stand firm, to suit up, and to be on guard. We all talk about spring cleaning our houses, but what about spring cleaning our hearts? As quickly as our kids' bedrooms can be destroyed, our perspective can be tainted by the lies we believe and the license we give ourselves to be entitled to our feelings. Come join me for a podcast about taking your thoughts (and feelings) captive and how important it is to be on guard for those little foxes (Song of Solomon 2:14-16).
The post #9: Freedom appeared first on Homeschool On.

You know the popular saying, Ignorance is bliss ? So often in our lives it is easier to just pretend everything is okay and allow ourselves to be like a rubber dingy in the ocean, tossed around by the waves of what life brings. But this isn't what we were called to. You and I have been called to be rooted, to stand firm, to suit up, and to be on guard. We all talk about spring cleaning our houses, but what about spring cleaning our hearts? As quickly as our kids' bedrooms can be destroyed, our perspective can be tainted by the lies we believe and the license we give ourselves to be entitled to our feelings. Come join me for a podcast about taking your thoughts (and feelings) captive and how important it is to be on guard for those little foxes (Song of Solomon 2:14-16).

Easy Time Code Guide
*Grab your Bible to use along with the episode, if possible*

00:10 Welcome

01:06 Gather Round Retreat– Rebecca talks about what to expect and how it is an event for the ENTIRE family.

3:50 Intro

5:30 Are you bound?

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. - Galatians 5:1

7:32 How do we begin to recognize and break free from the yoke of slavery that we may be under?

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. – John 8:32

16:50 Limitations, lies, and fear of rejection

25:30 Standing firm requires effort

26:18 Earthly examples (Making decisions out of fear and anxiety)



Spooner Vacation

34:15 Obedience trumps convictions

36:05 We don't answer to the world. Base your decisions on obedience to God and not on what others say.

Rebecca mentions this podcast:

39:27 Closing prayer

The post #9: Freedom appeared first on Homeschool On.