Are you maximizing your Return on Life? If you could categorize
your life satisfaction into 10 dimensions and then start making
intentional decisions to become happier and more fulfilled in each
area, would that be worth spending some time on?

Last episode we introduced the concept of Return on Life (ROL)
and today we’re going to discuss the 10 dimensions of the Return on
Life index. By understanding what these 10 components are, rating
your satisfaction in each area, then making a decision on what
you’ll do to “get happier” in that area, you’ll live a much more
fulfilling life.

This is Part II of our conversation with author and retirement
expert Mitch Anthony.

Often times people get so busy just keeping up with the
day-to-day stuff of life that they let life happen to them as
opposed to living their life by design. Today’s conversation is an
opportunity for you to consciously think about what’s working and
what’s not working in your life so you can make a change for the
better and maximize your Return on Life.

At Keen Wealth Advisors we take a “whole person” approach to
working with our clients. We view money as a tool to help our
clients live life on their terms. Let’s dive in and see how you can
use the money tool to get a better Return on Life.