Have you noticed in yourself a tendency to minimize your own needs? To not cause a fuss and keep the peace at all costs? These may be reflections of one of codependency’s main symptoms: self-betrayal.  Self-betrayal causes cognitive dissonance. This is when your heart and your head are saying different things. This creates inner conflict which is an invitation to address the issue that is out of alignment. If you are numbing out your feelings and denying reality, you don’t address the conflict. Breaking the cycle is about gaining self-love and self-worth. Know your value and what you deserve. Do not numb out your pain, rather learn to get your needs met in healthy ways.     Self-betrayal can look like: Allowing your boundaries to be violated so as not to be abandoned Going along with the group in order to be included Doing things to please others when it’s not what you want to do Letting someone else choose what you eat, how you dress Working in jobs that other influential people approve of, but you don’t like doing     If this is you, ask yourself: Why do I not feel safe to be myself? When did it stop feeling safe to be myself? How have I adapted to feel safe? How do I serve others and self-sacrifice to feel safe and not be abandoned?   Wellness Coaching IG: @coachkate1