How Mindfulness can transform your game It’s great to be back with you on the Brain Booster. Really looking forward to today’s show and the opportunity to welcome back Vin Harris.

We had a wonderful response last time that Vin was on the show

He is a Buddhist teacher with over 30 years of experience both practising and teaching the concepts of mindfulness.

He is also a very passionate golfer.

Recently Vin asked me to contribute to a book project he was involved in called ‘Mindful heroes’

It has turned out to be a wonderful game changing book and was great to be a part of the process

In today show we get the chance to discuss what Vin calls the ‘heroes journey’

A simple but profound concept

We are drawn to the idea of a hero setting out on a journey and overcoming both external and internal obstacles.

Stories like this inspire us to question our own journey and what we can do to get closer to the goals we aspire to.

All of the stories in the book look at the role of Mindfulness in everyday life.

There is no doubt in my mind the principles of mindfulness are a wonderful addition to the concepts we have discussed many times on the brain booster around attention

The discipline of paying attention to that which you deem to be important is in the modern world perhaps more important than ever.

We discuss:

The futility of trying to ‘control’ your mind

However, with Mindfulness you can have a different relationship to your thoughts.

With that different relationship tends to follow a quieter mind.

Your golf can be a laboratory to learn to quieten the mind and focus your attention on more productive areas

With Vin we get the chance to discuss some of the key learnings and insights that he is achieved over many years of his Buddhist practice ideas that he has managed to take into the real world and in the process become a very successful entrepreneur

It was wonderful to have such a wide ranging conversation and I know that the ideas that we discussed in today’s show can only benefit your own game.

To get in touch with Vin and get a FREE chapter of the book e-mail him at

[email protected]

You can pick up a copy of Mindful Heroes at

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