Today we welcome back on to the Brain Booster Vin Harris

Over the lockdown period we have run a number of HIGHLY successful Mind Factor Mindfulness Certifications

The feedback from attendees has been outstanding

A growing community of Mind Factor Mindfulness coaches and players

We will announce during the podcast the NEW Online program

The Mind Factor Mindfulness Online Certification

It is a really exciting project

To allow you to study Mindfulness for yourself at your own pace in your own time

Vin is a friend of the podcast and we welcome him back to discuss how Mindfulness can be utilised effectively in the coaching world.

How can we become more Mindful in our coaching?

We discuss how David Bowie had an indirect link in with Vin’s 40 year journey learning and applying Mindfulness to his life and his business.

The early influences and how the study was developed through spending time with some of the great Buddhist teachers.

How the INTENTION of the teacher is everything

How that intention to have the best interest of the student is a central key to being a really effective coach

The need to create environments for people to learn

Not just to give out more and more information

To help students understand where they ARE before you try to move them anywhere else

The ability to be present to what is actually happening right now

You only have to listen to Vin for a few moments to understand the wisdom and practical experience he brings to the subject

His is not sharing his knowledge from a theoretical perspective but from a real world life experience

He has walked this talk for over 40 years

The way he is able to simplify what can be a complex subject is truly liberating

All of the players we have worked with on the Mindfulness project have benefitted immensely.

To get your FREE Mindfulness audio sample please e-mail us at [email protected]

To become a certified Mind Factor Mindfulness Practitioner

Take the course now