A coach and his journey to excellence 

Today we are joined on the Brain Booster by top coach Anthony McCarthy the author of a wonderful book called ‘The Golf Coach’ which is all about the business of golf coaching and the multi dimensional approach a great modern day coach must embrace to be the very best version of themselves.

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We had a great conversation about the influences that have driven Anthony especially the legendary footballer Johan Cruyyf the pioneer of TOTAL football

The mystique of how he coached

One of his quotes:

‘There is no higher praise than being acclaimed for your style’


It is not ONLY about the result but the WAY the result is achieved  Understanding how important it is to EXPRESS your capabilities The variability of outcomes and why we shouldn’t attach everything to them What the vast majority of golfers REALLY want to achieve Why it is SO important to really understand a player’s UNIQUE desire Why we should hold back our ASSUMPTIONS How your coaching philosophy should EVOLVE Beginning with the SHOT and working from there Becoming obsessed with the BALL FLIGHT When to dive into technique and when NOT Is your intervention actually improving IMPACT? John Jacobs ‘Golf is what the BALL does’ Spending more time observing players ON the COURSE Why you shouldn’t have to ‘get worse to get better”


A great session with an extremely knowledgeable coach who has immersed himself in the development of his craft


To find out more about Anthony go to



To get a copy of the new ‘Lost Art of Putting’ video program go to www.themindfactor.com

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