Today on the Brain Booster we have with us former European Open winner Andrew Murray and we get the chance to discuss life on tour in the 1980’s

A wonderful trip down memory lane

Andrew played on what many agree was the golden era of the European Tour

A period of time that saw the emergence of some of the legends of the game


Seve Ballesteros, Nick Faldo, Sandy Lyle, Bernhard Langer, Jose Maria Olazabal and Ian Woosnam

A period that saw European golf dominate many of the Majors most notably the US Masters

Winning the Ryder Cup at the Belfry in 1985 for the first time in numerous decades and then going on to win numerous times over the next decade.

Life on tour then was light years away from what we see now

Pre Internet, pre mobile phones and the ability to organise all of your travel with one click.

Having to get around Europe in camper vans, hitting your own balls to your caddie on the range, persimmon woods and balata balls

Literally a different world

But a world that shaped the wonderful tour we see now

We discussed how many of the great players found ‘their’ way.

The great fluid swing of Ian Woosnam and how a change of approach allowed it to flourish

The wonderful talent of Sandy Lyle and how he won the European Order of merit without hardly ever hitting his driver over a full season

The genuine kindness and sincerity of Bernhard Langer and why he has been able to play at such a high level for so long

How Seve Ballesteros shared with Andrew some golden nuggets of information about the short game and then tried to steal one of his wedges!!

Playing with the great man and how intimidating he was

How he was the KING of playing the crowd and utilising their energy

How Nick Faldo was able to switch off his analytical mind on the golf course and just play SHOTS

The emergence of the great Swedish golfers and their approach to fitness and conditioning that changed the approach to the game

The incredible contribution made by John Jacobs as both a player, coach and European Tour ambassador

How a swing tip from a car mechanic and whistling helped Andrew himself win the European Open at Walton Heath

How he would have worked more on the mental game if he had his time again and what that would have looked like.

The wonderful camaraderie on the tour in the 1980’s

The rivalries and friendships that have stood the test of time

Just a wonderful insight into a great period of golf and a conversation that triggered so many good memories

To find out more about Andrew Murray

His coaching and his experience days go to


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