What happened to your New Year resolutions? Did you stick to them? Did much change? Are you still on track? Or has life remained pretty much the same? Today we are joined by one of the legends of social psychology Peter Gollwitzer.

Peter is a professor of psychology in the Psychology Department at New York University. His research focuses on how goals and plans affect cognition, emotion, and actions.


He is most famous for what has become known as IMPLEMENTATION INTENTIONS.


Why do we not follow through and achieve our goals?


How many times do we have great intentions to change yet NOTHING happens?


We have so much great information, we know what to do.

Yet we don’t know HOW to implement this information

To take the information and make it a behaviour.


Peter provides us with some ground breaking information which if you act on it could transform your life.


The crucial difference between GOALS and PLANS


When, where and HOW


To be able to get REALLY specific about these 3 conditions then very little will change


The magic of IF and THEN


How obstacles can actually help you to achieve your dreams


If you do not factor in your responses to obstacles you will NOT stick to your goals.


How you get to build routines of success around existing patterns and habits


The great part of Peter’s work is that YOU get to personalise this information.


A really thought provoking journey of HOW to achieve your goals and dreams for the future.

Peter has spent the past thirty years studying these areas and the results he has PROVEN are amazing when you involve IF, THEN plans.


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