Today on the Brain Booster we have a fantastic session with Sandy Jamieson.

We got the chance to pay our respects to Ramsay McMaster who had a big influence on us both. Ramsay past away 10 years ago in the most sudden and tragic of circumstances

Sandy himself is a fascinating story of a golf coach achieving what many perceive to be the ultimate in the coaching arena which is working with tour players.

He had great success and became a ‘big name’ on the PGA and European Tour working with the likes of Robert Allenby and Jarrod Lyle

More and more players sought out his advice.

The trajectory was stellar

Yet he realised bit by bit how little this life actually satisfied him at a deep level

He stopped working on the Tour

He went back to club life working at one of the top member’s clubs in Australia

Coaching club golfers but as Sandy mentions this again didn’t give him a true sense of satisfaction

He finally connected back with his true purpose and passion in life by going back to the very heart of the game of golf

He went back to coaching beginners at a public course

Not only did he do this but he did this with just ONE CLUB

He now ONLY coaches beginners

We had a great chat about his philosophy of learning the game

The benefits of SIMPLICITY

Also about the future of the game

Growing the game

The need to get people playing golf in a way they enjoy so we can RETAIN them

To make the game fun and accessible

A great session to make you think about TRUE PURPOSE in life

To find out more about Sandy and the ONE CLUB go to

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