In this episode: 'Opportunity Doesn't Always Knock,' Do you want to boost your brain - win your game? I'm Karl Morris one of Europe's leading Performance Coaches.  Whether it's sport, business or pleasure, the real key to success is to go from thought to ACTION and MAKE the changes happen.  This Podcast will help you get the best out of yourself and your clients.

In this episode:

The greatest cricket test series of all time

Working with the England captain Michael Vaughan

How one telephone conversation can change the course of your life if you are READY.

How opportunity doesn’t always keep knocking

How you need to be OPEN to what the world presents to you

Getting past your levels of comfort and venturing into the unknown

How a great captain set free his players to PLAY cricket

How he was able to manage a huge expectation not just from his team but a whole nation

Overcoming one of the greatest teams of all time

Dealing with past failure and changing the narrative of how his team looked at the word POSSIBLE

Dealing with media pressure

How captaincy or leadership of any kind can be a lonely place and how we all need a mentor.

The value of having a neutral sounding board

The value of having a coach who asks NEUTRAL questions to help you change your story

Michael Vaughan and how he understood the power of an existing story and how to go about changing a narrative.

Building a team and the tough decisions required to lead at the very highest level

Creating an environment of enjoyment to RELEASE a players ability

What YOU can learn from the greatest of all cricket test series.

Keeping your performance triangle in balance

How to keep making your own progress.

Keeping the fun in your quest for better play.