Today we get the chance to spend time with Alan Muckle and find out more about the importance of your eyes in sport.

It sounds so obvious

Yet the eyes are such an overlooked area yet a simple opportunity to improve

As Alan says 80% of input into your brain is through the eyes.

The quality of your output will to a large degree be influenced by this input

The best athletes in the world use their eyes in ways that are very different than the rest

We look into some really interesting areas and topics of discussion

The importance of eye dominance

Finding out how you can better utilise eye dominance could have a major impact on your performance

‘Smooth Persuits’’ how you need to be able to control the way your eyes look at the target especially on the greens

How the way you use your eyes affects your state of mind and in turn the way you think about your game

What you can do about training your eyes

What the future COULD look like

After studying Exercise and Health at Bristol University Alan then qualified in Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation. Further courses attended include Advanced Soft Tissue Techniques in Muscle Energy, Neuromuscular and Positional Release Techniques. Anatomy Trains Myofacial Release, Core Facial Release, Manual Therapy for Orthopaedic Conditions, Articulations and Mobilisations, Proproceptive Medicine, Neurological Testing.

Alan has been involved in sport for over 30 years and is an ex Royal Marine Commando Physical Training Instructor. His knowledge of sports is extensive, holding National Coaching/Refereeing qualifications in Rugby Union, Swimming, Boxing, Olympic Power Lifting, Weight Training and Judo.

Alan has worked at International level with Olympic Athletes, Professional Golfers, Rugby players, Footballers, Cricketers, Horse Riders, Triathletes, Formula 1, World Champion Rally Drivers

To find out more about Alan go to


To book on our Training for Golf weekend 22nd-23rd February go to

Today’s episode is brought to you by Pall Mall Medical specialists in stem cell therapy. Improve your mobility and ease joint pain to get the enjoyment back in your sport.