We're back. We know. WE KNOW.   As always, and maybe even more than ever, here are some mental health resoruces for North America:   United States https://www.mentalhealth.gov/get-help/immediate-help https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/   The Suicide Hotline phone number has been changed. Now, just text or call 988.   Canada https://www.ccmhs-ccsms.ca/mental-health-resources-1 1 (833) 456-4566 Be mindful of your surroundings.

We're back. We know. WE KNOW.   As always, and maybe even more than ever, here are some mental health resoruces for North America:   United States https://www.mentalhealth.gov/get-help/immediate-help https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/   The Suicide Hotline phone number has been changed. Now, just text or call 988.   Canada https://www.ccmhs-ccsms.ca/mental-health-resources-1 1 (833) 456-4566 Be mindful of your surroundings.