Rafael Alves is an entrepreneur and founder of The Landlord.  Significant stressors for international students are finding a place to live and making new friends, especially when English is a second language.   Rafael assists international students in Melbourne to locate and settle into suitable housing in safe neighbourhoods.  Once settled, Rafael hosts social events that introduce students to each other, to living in Melbourne, and to experience multiculturalism in Australia. 

Rafael shares his experiences as an entrepreneur in Brazil and Australia.  He discusses how to raise start-up capital and the risk of servicing debt.  Listen to his strategy to manage the challenges of international border closures during the COVID-19 pandemic.   

0:48      The Landlord housing business venture
1:52      Serving the international student community
2:30      Connecting with international student groups in Melbourne
4:29      Combatting loneliness
6:32      Integrated services in Landlord Housing
9:01      Digital entrepreneurship and marketing
10:44   Entrepreneur's curse and crowdfunding for resources
13:04   Bravery of entrepreneurship
14:51   How to raise money for a start-up
17:08   Ease of start-ups in Australia vs Latin America
18:47   Advice to start your own business in Australia
19:38   Dilemma of growing the business or a career!
23:38   Rafael's experience in KBS MBA course
25:25   Memorable contributions of MBA subjects
27:15   Rafael's continuous learning objectives