Adam Murphy is an Academic Head of Management, HR and Law in Kaplan Business School.  Listen to Adam's passionate discussion of leadership and mindfulness.  He says, 'We make a serious mistake when thinking that authority and leadership are the same thing.  While the vast majoring of us don't have executive authority, many of us are influential leaders.'.  Effective leaders are mindful of their influence.

Adam explains, 'Leadership doesn't come from the top of the organisational chart, but it can come from you. It starts by making a better choice. It starts by choosing to grow and pushing yourself to develop leadership, strengths and capabilities.'. 

Regarding mindfulness, Adam askes, 'Where is your focus? You can focus on something that's upsetting you or going wrong.  If you do, you're going to feel terrible. But look around! The contribution that you make to the lives of other people, the love that you get from other people, the companionship of your friends, the the privileges that you have.'.  Be grateful for the contributions you can make!  'Gratitude is certainly a much better state to be in than feeling upset, angry or frustrated.'

Gratitude is exemplified in Adam's story of Jonas Salk and the polio pandemic.  Find out what Jonas contributed!

00:24  Introducing Adam Murphy 
02:02  Difference between leadership and authority
04:47  Leadership potential in you! 
08:31  Who is most effective, competitive or collaborative leaders? 
13:30  Ghost in the machine!  
16:28  Why solve problems if you don't get credit for the solution?  
18:40  Tackling new problems shapes tomorrow's leaders
21:15  Diamond in the pocket 
25:13  Conflict? Change your focus!  
27:40  International students finding meaningful jobs  
28:38  Adam's eulogy, thoughts from Stephen Covey  
30:02  Jonas Salk, polio - a huge contribution!  
31:05  Wrap-up