Previous Episode: Clubhouse the new app for cap
Next Episode: Grounds fo' divorce

Hey KaNdies, 


*Flashback* Remember when Chrissy proposed to Jim Jones, is you proposing sis? 😂😂 We coming at you with another dope episode on Love and Marriage. Now yes, Katie and Nij are both single as a dollar bill buttttt we still know a thing or two about some love and what we want our marriages to look like. Vibe out with us and hear the jokes fly and then tell us what you want. Do you want to be married? What is your ideal marriage type? 


Make you Subscribe, Leave us a review, and Share us with ya friends and family too! 


Alfuquan Hardy Free Breakfast Program Hoodie Giveaway starting April 1, 2021 

Entry instructions: 

Follow us on Instagram and twitter 

Post you listening to an episode and tag 5 friends 

Leave a review on the platform you stream us on and DM it to us. (For Spotify dm us the review) 


We choosing the winner on April 30 on IG Live! 


Love you KaNdies 😘 

Katie & Nij 



Shout out to ShakoyaHD for the dope musical intro