Opera performance student Dagbjört Andrésdóttir gives us a glimpse into her life with cortical visual impairment, describing music and strong parental support as her saving grace.

“I kind of knew always there was something, but I wasn’t sure if it was my vision or something else,” says Dagbjört.

Three years ago, with the help of her mother, she concluded that CVI was the culprit.

To parents she says, “You know your children better than anybody – any physician, any teacher, any person in the world…if you have a hunch there’s some problems, follow it. Don’t give up on it.”

In this episode:

Stumbling upon a diagnosis. Challenges of growing up with CVI. Advice for parents of kids with CVI. Difficulties with new and complex environments. Developing strength in other senses.

Start Seeing CVI Advocacy

Perkins CVI Family Vacation