Juventinità: Back to Black and White Podcast #60 with Farrukh (@forzapiemonte)

Post Match of Juve-Ferencvaros, better late than never and I could not live with myself if I don’t get these episodes out and I think this game was so crucial to see if Juve could move on from their mediocre start to bring forth multiple wins.

In this podcast, Farrukh and I try to come to terms with what this late win against a mediocre squad, let’s be real. It was awesome to bring back on my friend who was the second guest on the podcast, only episode broken down into two parts, it was a pleasure as always. We get into some older headlines, before we run right into the game with formations and match facts to start. Then we break down the game minute by minute so that we explain what really is going on. We wrap with the 3 Up, 3 Down segment and we look forward to the upcoming game(s) as when we recorded we had already played Benevento so that was fresh in our minds. Thankfully there were a lot of questions for us so we answer them all, thanks as always. And that wraps up the podcast. Thanks for all the support and I hope you enjoy what we have lined up in the future.

Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

Twitter - @JuventinitaDAL
Insta - @JuventinitaDAL
iTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353
Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbA
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Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKn
Podbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/