Caffè alla Juventinità Episode 1

FINALLY THE NEW LOGO IS HERE!!! And the official launch of Cafè alla Juventinità is finally live! Hopefully you enjoy the show and more upgrades to come so stay tuned.

In this episode we drop the caffè like it’s hot and I think Nespresso really needs to pay me some royalties or something. Then I decompress with some calmer words on what I’m seeing and how that affected us in our last game against Benevento. Lastly the Dybala incident at the end of the game and I state my point of view, let me know if you agree or not! Stay tuned for another episode after work and I hope you enjoy this episode!

Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

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