"People like to base things on language because you can manipulate the hell out of language... But you can’t manipulate reality..."

"The only thing that matters is the integrity of our actions...The integrity you embody"

"That freedom [which you embody] will either attract people or it will anger people. It will do nothing in between. But if it attracts them they will come to you and ask; how did you..."

I've made quite a few podcasts on the limitations of language and this podcast seeks to explore this topic further.


The Voluntary Life https://thevoluntarylife.com/

How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World: A Handbook for Personal Liberty

by Harry Browne https://www.amazon.com/How-Found-Freedom-Unfree-World/dp/0965603679

The Limitations Of Language https://anchor.fm/justus-frank/episodes/The-Limitations-Of-Language-Ep-21-e919m9

Living Free in an Unfree World: Stefan Molyneux at Libertopia 2010 https://youtu.be/OLSkhR-ve8s

Find me on:

My Website: Justus Frank

Bitchute: Life Of Learning

Twitter: JustBeingFrank8

Facebook: Justus Frank

Minds: @Arphy

Medium: Justus Frank

Youtube: J Frank

Photo courtesy of: Agnes Grace Photography


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