📣 Who should investigate crimes of police officer, when they already committed? What models on independent investigative agencies exist in the world? How can we reach the independency of this agencies for efficient investigation? 

🗣 To this question we've tried to find answers in the third episode of #JustTalk_World podcast “Who polices the police?”

 🗯 Guests: Ian Scott – former director of the Special Investigations Unit in Ontario, Canada. Masha Lisitsyna – senior managing legal officer with the Accountability division at the Open Society Justice Initiative. 

💬 Moderator: Eugene Krapyvin, JustTalk. Research “Who Polices the Police? The Role of Independent Agencies in Criminal Investigations” (in English): https://www.justiceinitiative.org/publications/who-polices-the-police-the-role-of-independent-agencies-in-criminal-investigations