This might be the most important question for podcast success: to what end? As a podcast coach, I’ve met with hundreds of podcasters and many are stumped when asked about their podcast goals. They often believe the main goal of their podcast is to get more downloads, but I looooove to challenge that thinking by asking what the end result of those downloads is.

While downloads matter to some extent, they're just the first step toward achieving bigger, more business-building goals like more website traffic, leads, and sales. By fixating on downloads, podcasters are measuring the wrong metric.

In this episode, I help you set better podcast goals that will turn your podcast into a marketing machine for your business. By asking yourself "to what end?" and focusing on the right goals, you can create a podcast that helps you become an authority in your space and generates leads and sales.

Don't just take my word for it – one listener who took advantage of my free 15-minute coaching call said, "My head is spinning. I feel like I've been focusing so much on having a pretty dress that I forgot to learn how to dance. How embarrassing! I'm ready to learn how to dance now - thank you, Tim!"

If you're ready to create a podcast that really makes a difference, tune in to this episode and book your free coaching call today. It's time to stop fixating on downloads and start creating a podcast that achieves your business goals. 


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