Do you ever feel like you’re talking into a great empty void? Like your podcast is out there floating around and nobody is listening? 


It can be so demoralizing!


In this week’s episode, I share a blast from the past to help you see that what you're doing as a podcast host has more impact than you know. 

This message from my past came in the form of a comment on a radio station’s Facebook page. The DJ had asked the question about DJs people remembered (it was ‘International DJ Day’ and they were hunting for some engagement). Someone made a comment about me… and the role I’d played in their lonely teenage life back in the mid 90’s. 

The DJ happened to know me and tagged me. 

I was shocked. And my ego grew three sizes that day. 

But, it was a good reminder that as podcasters, our words, stories, and ideas have an impact.

We may think we are talking to nobody. That the ideas and information we are sharing is bouncing around in a great void. But someone is listening. Someone is out there, actively putting your voice in their earholes week after week because they like what you have to share. 

You also need to know that they may never tell you how important you were to them. They may never connect or engage. They may even become customers without you knowing that it was your podcast that helped them move forward in their journey. 

Even if you don’t get that affirmation, know that what you are sharing does have an impact. 

This is especially true if you are focusing on being listener-centric (yes, I was doing it even way back then). When you show up each episode with the intention to help your listener, you will have that kind of impact. 

And, if you don’t want to wait almost 3 decades to find out how much you meant to them, make sure you help them take the next step on their customer journey, with YOU. 

All you have to do is focus on serving them and you will have an impact. 

Now if you need help increasing that impact, get yourself on my calendar. It’s a free 15 minute coaching call and I’d love to connect with you. Like, now or next week… not in 30 years!


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