I want to subscribe to your podcast. It seems like a simple thing. It should be a simple thing. 

I can’t tell you how many times I go to a podcasters website eager to check out their show. I love what I’m hearing and I think, ‘oh boy, I can’t wait to subscribe!’

And then, it happens. I’m looking for the button.  The one that is going to take me to my podcast listening app of choice. I’m ready to click that big, juicy button and be a regular weekly download for you. 


BUT I can’t find your stinking button! 


Or worse, you’ve got the logo for my favorite podcast listening app but it’s just for show. I click on it but it doesn’t go anywhere. Booooo! Now I think you stink and I’m not going to subscribe. 

And don’t bother telling me that I can just go to my player and search your show name. Get over yourself, you weren’t that good. Ain’t nobody got time for that kind of nonsense, fool!

It’s over. You lost a subscriber. All that work getting the word out, getting them to your website, getting them to fall in love with you and you lost it. All because you couldn’t be bothered to add a muther effing link. 

You think I’m exaggerating but it has happened more times than I can count. Mind you, I check out a lot of podcast websites. *hint: if you book a 15-minute free coaching call with me, your website better be ready for me. 


So, here is my one little tip that could make a huge difference. Add subscribe buttons to your website. It is undeniably the best and easiest way to secure a subscriber from your website. Just make it easy for them!

Head on over to my website. Pick a page, any page (okay, maybe not ANY page) and you’ll find a beautiful array of sumptuous buttons to click and subscribe. Go on, take a look. You know you want to.