Where do new podcasters waste their energy and where should they put their energy when starting a podcast? 

This excellent question was sent in by podcaster, Andrew Petty of Andrew Petty is Dying. Thanks for asking. 

My response is simple - how instead of why. 

Hmmm… I guess that’s a bit confusing. Here’s what I mean. 

Too many podcasters decide they have a great idea for a show and then spend the next 3 months trying to figure out the best equipment and process for getting a podcast out there. 

Newsflash - how to podcast is the easy part! You don’t need the best equipment when you start, you just need the Bare Minimum (as I explain in episode 67). 

Common sense to ego, come in ego… the best mic in the world isn’t going to make your podcast an overnight sensation. 

If all you focus on is the tech, you’re going to be sorely disappointed when you peak out at 35 listeners (and, when you realize that half a dozen of those are you automatic downloads from your family who stopped listening at episode 4). 

This is why figuring out the tech stuff is a colossal waste of energy for new podcasters. Especially because it takes away from what they really SHOULD be putting some energy into. 



Wait for it.

Making a show people want to listen to. 


Yes, that’s right. Your big fat sexy microphone can’t make up for the crappy content. 

Before you ever press record, you need to do the foundational work.You need to figure out WHY you’re creating a podcast. And, if the answer is ‘because I have the best idea ever!’, or, ‘because I’ve always wanted to have a podcast.’ then you need to dig deeper. 

Unless of course, this is a hobby podcast and you’re literally doing it so you can listen to it and think about how brilliant you are… then fill your narcissist boots and enjoy yourself!

If, on the other hand, you want to create a podcast for your business (to build your authority, establish yourself as a thought leader, and serve your ideal customer), then you need to think about them when you create your show. You need to put a lot more energy into why they would listen, how the show will serve them, and how it will serve you in your business. 

This is where you need to put your energy because an entertaining show that consistently delivers value-bombs to their ideal audience is going to be oh-so much more successful than a show where the only thing going for it is a $500 mic with a custom windsock and perfectly angled pop screen. 

Put your energy into your audience and your podcast will pay you back in fans. 

If you need help figuring out your WHY before you start your podcast (or if you need to resuscitate your podcast), connect with me for my free 15-minute coaching call. I’ll walk you through the 3 key steps in building a solid podcast foundation. I’ll even tell you exactly which mic to buy and save you a trip down the rabbit hole! 

All you need (mic, software and podcast host) is listed here on my RESOURCES page.