Thanks to the pandemic, the audio-quality bar is lower than a limbo pole in a 1980’s frat-house flick. Resist the urge to see how low you can go.

A lot of podcasters are having to make adjustments due to the lockdown and new social distancing rules. You might not be able to be in the same room as your co-host, have guests who don’t have access to their gear, or be in a household that just doesn’t get (or care about) the need for quiet when you’re recording. 

Add to that, broadcasters who are ‘making due’ with low quality, Zoom-based shows with the expectation that the audience will understand the limitations they have. 

It’s enough to make you accept ‘good enough.’ 

Don’t do it! 

Demand more from yourself. Demand more for your audience. Afterall, didn’t you start this podcast to build your authority and deliver golden treats to your listeners’ ears? Of course you did - and right now, they need you more than ever. If you really want to rise above - don’t succumb to the lowered standards!

If you are having to connect online for your audio recording, I share a few tips in this episode about how to get the best possible audio from the system, including:


The settings you should be using if you’re recording on Zoom Why shutting the hell up will help you avoid dropouts. How hardwiring your internet connection can improve sound quality.  Coaching your guests to give you better audio (even if they have a crappy mic)  Why wearing headphones is not optional! Options other than Zoom (since everyone and their cat is on this platform gobbling up the bandwidth). Look into Zencastr or Ringr if you don’t mind losing the video connection, or check out my current fav, Squadcast which has video AND great quality audio. 

I know a lot of you have a lot on your plate right now and you’re thinking geeze Coach Tim, it’s a miracle that I’m getting my podcast out at all and now you’re telling me I have to care about my quality and my audience too? 


That’s my job. 

I’m here to remind you that your podcast plays an important role in your marketing by building your authority and connecting you with your audience. Don’t eff it all up because you saw everyone else’s standards slipping. This is your time to shine. It’s your opportunity to be better than the rest. So, pandemic or no pandemic, give your listeners the best possible audio!

Not sure if you’re pulling that off? I’ll give it to you straight! Book a free 15-minute coaching call. Here’s a link to my calendar.




See ya!