In a time when all podcasts are choking in an overcrowded sea of podcasts, one stands out and becomes the hero the world needs right now…

The language of movie trailers might be formulaic and the butt of jokes, but that’s primarily because they are memorable. Movie and TV trailers serve a critical role in the world of entertainment - they convince people to spend their time and money to see the rest.

Your podcast trailer should do the same.

Every podcast should have a trailer - even if they’ve been around for years. The benefit of a trailer is that it gives potential fans a chance to hear your ‘best of’ and get a sense of what they are going to get if they listen. Which is a heck of a lot better than if they randomly pick an episode.

The benefit to you is that you get the absolute best chance of attracting that potential listener and turn them into a subscriber.

So, how do you make a killer podcast trailer that will turn them on instead of tune out?

In this episode of just the tip, I go through the three main sections of your podcast trailer:

The intro The clips The call to action

You need to execute each of these in a way that is exciting, on-brand, and honestly representative of your show.

This last part is really critical if you want to keep the subscribers you earn with your trailer.

Have you ever seen a trailer on TV for a movie and you think, ‘wow, that looks hilarious’ or ‘oh my mango, this is going to be the scariest thing I’ve ever seen’ then you pay your money and come out feeling ripped off? Not a nice feeling, is it? So, don’t do that with your trailer.

If your show is good, let it speak for itself. Those misleading TV and movie trailers do that because their show sucks. If your show sucks, well stop sucking. There. Fixed.

If you have a new podcast, you should definitely do a trailer - it’s a great way to promote your ‘coming soon’ podcast and trigger your account so that people can subscribe before your launch!

So, spend some energy making your podcast trailer great and take advantage of this promotional tool.

Not sure if your trailer is good enough? Send it to me and I’ll tell you straight up if it sucks or rocks.

Just book a free 15-minute coaching call and include it in the links.