It’s the holy grail of podcasting  - the secret to growing your audience! In this episode, I’m going to reveal the one thing you need to do to see those download steadily increase. So, get ready to have you mind blown.

For a lot of podcasters, a big audience is the sign of success. But, should it be? Really, when you park the ego for a minute - do you really need astronomical downloads for your podcast to be worth the effort? If your podcast is a marketing tool (as in, it’s part of your content marketing strategy) then big numbers aren’t always the most important thing. Having a relevant audience filled with potential customers - that’s much more important. But, how do you attract that audience?

In this episode of Just the Tip, I talk about how to use some of the standard audience-growth strategies. Plus, I’ll share the one thing I did that tripled my daily downloads. Before we get to that, let’s review some of the basics that pretty much every podcast marketer will tell you to try.

The Basic Podcast Marketing Tips

I can’t lay claim to creating any of these strategies but lots of podcasters are consistently doing these to grow their audience:

Be Consistent (in your quality and release schedule) Promote on Social Media Appear on Other Podcasts Use SEO Best Practices on your Podcast Website Ask Your Listeners to Subscribe Distribute Your Podcast Everywhere (including YouTube)

These all take time but if you want to grow your audience, these are tried and tested strategies.

In addition to these, I also recommend shining a spotlight on yourself and showing off your expertise and knowledge. This leads us to my growth hacking experiment. I wanted to see if I could significantly move the needle on my downloads if I did just one thing. And, it worked!

I’ll tell you what I did and how you can do it too. I’ll also tell you what NOT to do when it comes to testing this out for yourself. Take my challenge, and see if you can move the needle too.

Hey - don’t forget to subscribe to my podcast. You never want to miss one of my tips! They’re just what you need to consistently make your podcast better. Or, you could just keep being mediocre. Your call.

D’uh. Subscribe!