Whether you’re tired, out of ideas, or suddenly super busy - there are plenty of reasons to take a break from your podcast. But, if you do it wrong - you could kill your podcast stats and alienate your listeners.

The first question most podcasters ask is whether they should take a break or not. This really depends on your podcast and your audience. In this podcast, I address which types of podcasts are fine to take a break and which ones should not.

The second question podcasters SHOULD ask (but often don’t) is how they’ll hold on to their hard won listeners.

I can’t say this enough: don’t take your audience for granted. Seriously, they are everything. Remember my mantra - Think About Your Listener.  Ask yourself, ‘what would my listener want?’

This might help you determine if you should take a break and it will definitely help you figure out how to take a break without losing them to some new, young and sexy podcast. It happens!

This conversation is one that happens all the time in radio. The hosts have to take a break. You have to give them a vacation. So, how do you do that with as little disruption as possible. How do you make sure that you’re not sending your listeners off into the arms of another show.

In the world of podcasting, your listeners may be a little more flexible. But, you still want to make sure they are still there, waiting when you return.  In this episode, I explain what you should do (and shouldn’t do) to increase your chances of retaining your audience.

I’ll also tell you the most important tool in making sure your audience comes back after the break.

Plus, I’ll tell you the surefire way to lose listeners when it comes to taking a needed break. And, if your podcast is a marketing tool for your business then there are a few extra questions you need to ask yourself before you commit to taking a break.

Yes, all of this juicy podcasting advice is squeeze into 5 sweet minutes. So, hit play. Find out if you should or shouldn’t be taking a break and how to do it right.

By the way, taking a break is a great time to step back from your podcast and tinker with it a bit. It’s also a great time to work with me. I love to tinker. If you’re planning to take a podcast hiatus this summer, sign up for my 30 Days to a Better Podcast coaching package. In a month, we’ll have a shiny new podcast to present to your listeners when your break is over.
