Picture this. Your listeners are sitting in a basket suspended over the shark infested water. There is a laser that is slowly slicing through the rope holding it up. You have thirty seconds to turn off the laser. Wouldn’t you do everything in your power to turn that damn thing off?

Your intro is how you save them. It’s how you stop them from plummeting away from your podcast (aka hitting stop and going to check out some other podcast that doesn’t suck) and sticking around to become adoring, lifelong fans.

Okay, okay. I’m being dramatic. What can I say - I love a good Bond plot. But, losing listeners because you don’t have a solid intro should feel a bit like a high stakes situation. All too often, new listeners (and even die hard ones) will decide if an episode is worth their time in the first 30 seconds. If you don’t hold on to them, they’re gone.  Possibly for good.

You get it, right? Intro = important. Good. In episode 004 I explain the 2 things you need in your podcast intro - the one that doesn’t change from episode to episode. In this episode, we move on the your episode intro which is specific to your topic of the day.

I’m going to walk you through the 3 elements of an effective podcast episode intro. I’ll explain how the three P’s will ensure that you grab your listener right off the top and keep them listening well into the juicy middle parts of your podcast.

For more info on crafting a good intro, check out Episode 32 (The Art of the Tease) and Episode 23 (Does Your Professional Intro Turn Off Listeners?).  And if you want specific feedback, buy me a beer and I’ll have a listen.