Do you wear headphones when you record your podcast? You should! That is, if you want to sound and look like a pro.

Wait, what? Headphones make you sound better? You bet. Here’s the deal, when you have headphones you can hear your guests better, you can hear yourself better and you might will  perform better. I know one thing for sure, good headphones made a big difference in my confidence as a rookie radio DJ.  

I remember buying my first set of cans (that’s radio lingo for headphones). It was a big expense for me as a broadcast student but I wanted to at least look the part. I showed up at my first job at a little one room station in a remote town on the North coast of Vancouver Island and I whipped out my pro headphones. Everyone else was wearing these disintegrating old relics. I don’t know how much of it had to do with my talent, my confidence or the fact that I could actually hear what was going out on air but I got promoted immediately and was soon snapped up by a bigger station. I’m pretty sure there are a few people from back in the day still at that station...wearing those old headphones.

But, I digress. Back to the reasons you should be wearing headphones as a podcaster! In this podcast, I’ll tell you why you need to wear headphones when you record your podcast, what kind you should be using (and not using), and how you should be using them. Who knew there was so much to say about headphones?  

Grab your headphones, plug ‘em in and give this podcast a listen. And, if after that you want even more Tim-Wohlberg-on-headphones action, check out this video I created on the same topic. Clearly, I have a thing for cans.